
黑暗之女 安妮                Annie 

2寒冰射手 艾希                Ashe 

3牛头酋长 阿利斯塔         Alistar 

4卡牌大师 崔斯特      Twisted Fate 

5战争女神 希维尔            Sivir 

6迅捷斥候 提莫              Teemo        

7审判天使 凯尔               Kayle    

8末日使者 费德提克    Fiddlesticks 

9雪人骑士 努努               Nunu 

10众星之子 索拉卡        Soraka 

11流浪法师 瑞兹              Ryze 

12无极剑圣 易              Master Yi 

13嗜血猎手 沃里克        Warwick 

14麦林炮手 崔斯塔娜    Tristana 

15亡灵勇士 赛恩              Sion 

16武器大师 贾克斯           Jax 

17堕落天使 莫甘娜      Morgana 

18炼金术士 辛吉德        Singed 

19时光守护者 吉兰        Zilean  

20蛮族之王 泰达米尔 Tryndamere 

21寡妇制造者 伊芙琳    Evelynn 

22瘟疫之源 图奇            Twitch    

23死亡颂唱者 卡尔萨斯     Karthus    

24虚空恐惧 科'加斯     Cho'gath 

25殇之木乃伊 阿木木   Amu

26披甲龙龟 拉莫斯      Rammus

27冰晶凤凰 艾尼维亚     Anivia 

28邪恶小法师 维嘉        Veigar

29虚空行者 卡萨丁      Kassadin  

30宝石骑士 塔里克        Taric

31海洋之灾 普朗克    Gangplank 

32蒸汽机器人 布里茨  Blitzcrank

33风暴之怒 迦娜           Janna

34熔岩巨兽 墨菲特      Malphite

35祖安狂人 梦多         DrMundo

36英勇投弹手 库奇        Corki

37不祥之刃 卡特琳娜   Katarina

38沙漠死神 内瑟斯        Nasus

39恶魔小丑 萨克           Shaco

40大发明家 黑默丁格Heimerdinger

41野兽之灵 乌迪尔         Udyr

42狂野女猎手 奈德丽   Nidalee

43钢铁大使 波比           Poppy

44战争之王 潘森        Pantheon

45酒桶 古拉加斯          Gragas

46金属大师 莫德凯撒Mordekaiser

47探险家 伊泽瑞尔       Ezreal 

48暮光之眼 慎               Shen

49狂暴之心 凯南         Kennen

50德玛西亚之力 盖伦    Garen

51暗影之拳 阿卡丽        Akali

52虚空先知 玛尔扎哈  Malzaha

53狂战士 奥拉夫           Olaf

54深渊巨口 克'格莫    Kog'maw

55德邦总管 赵信         Xin Zhao

56猩红收割者 费拉基米尔Vladimir

57哨兵之殇 加里奥       Galio

58首领之傲 厄加特       Urgot

59赏金猎人 厄运** Miss Fortuna

60琴瑟仙女 娑娜           Sona

61策士统领 斯维因       Swain

62光辉女郎 拉克丝         Lux

63诡术妖姬 乐芙兰     LeBlanc

64刀锋意志 艾瑞莉娅   

65诅咒巨魔 特朗德尔  Trundle

66魔蛇之拥 卡西奥佩娅Cassiopeia

67皮城女警 凯特琳     Caitlyn

68荒漠屠夫 雷克顿   Renekton

69天启者 卡尔玛        Karma

70扭曲树精 茂凯         Maokai

71德玛西亚皇子 嘉文 Jarvan I

72永恒梦魇 魔腾       Nocturne

73盲僧 李青               Lee Sin

74复仇焰魂 布兰德       Brand

75机械公敌 兰博              Rumble

76暗夜猎手 薇恩                    Vayne 

77发条魔灵 奥莉安娜            Orianna

78掘墓者 约里克                     Yorick

79曙光女神 蕾欧娜 Leona

80齐天大圣 孙悟空                Wukong

81水晶先锋 斯卡纳                Skarner

82刀锋之影 泰隆                     Talon

83放逐之刃 锐雯                     Riven

84远古巫灵 泽拉斯                 Xerath

不是所有英雄都有外号。一般我们称“疾风剑豪 亚索”直接喊亚索即可。


(1)人物名,如:寒冰射手 艾希,直接喊“艾希;”德玛西亚之力 盖伦,直接喊“盖伦”;不祥之刃 卡特琳娜,直接喊 “卡特”;光辉女郎 拉克丝,直接喊“拉克丝”或者“LUX”;武器大师 贾克斯,直接喊“贾克斯”或者“JAX”,英文名更方便广为人知的还有“UD”乌迪尔,“NOC”梦魇,“TM”提莫,“EZ”伊泽瑞尔,“AKL”阿卡丽,“MF”女枪;等等,一般稍微会玩的喊这些,大家都能秒懂,咱们也好记忆,打出来也很方便。

(2)外号。还有很多英雄,名字不好记,却有鲜明的特征,一般就用外号去称呼,如“球女”辛德拉,“刀妹”艾瑞莉娅,“男刀”泰隆,“日女”蕾欧娜,“火女”安妮,“火男”布兰德,“冰女”丽桑卓,“小法”维嘉,“小炮”崔丝塔娜,“滑板鞋”卡莉斯塔,等等。大部分都很容易懂,部分英雄的外号可能随着版本更新会有些差错,比如暗黑元首 辛德拉出来以前,随台服习惯,国服也称发条为“球女”,这也是解说评论席上经常被大家讨论的一点,但是国服 辛德拉出来以后,“球女”一般指辛德拉。发条魔灵 直接用“发条”称呼。



Apicallover(心尖爱人) Luminary@(发光体)fox spirit ! ﹝狐狸精﹞

Burning(燃烧) Better me G-Dragon Half a degree (半度)

Autism [孤独症] Beak Hyun (白贤) Chan Yeol (灿烈) cardiopalmus(心跳)

九尾妖狐: 阿狸(Ahri)暗影之拳:阿卡丽(Akali)牛头酋长:阿利斯塔(Alistar)殇之木乃伊:阿木木(Amumu)冰晶凤凰:艾尼维亚(Anivia)黑暗之女:安妮(Annie)寒冰射手:艾希(Ashe)蒸汽机器人:布里茨(Blitzcrank) 复仇焰魂:布兰德(Brand)皮城女警:凯特琳(Caitlyn)魔蛇之拥:卡西奥佩娅(Cassiopeia)虚空恐惧:科’加斯(ChoGath)英勇投弹手:库奇(Corki)诺克萨斯之手:德莱厄斯(Darius)皎月女神:黛安娜:(Diana)祖安狂人:蒙多医生(DrMundo) 荣耀行刑官:德莱文(Delevin)蜘蛛女皇:伊莉斯(Elise)寡妇制造者:伊芙琳(Evelynn)探险家:伊泽瑞尔(Ezreal)末日使者:费德提克(Fiddlesticks)无双剑姬:剑姬(Fiora)潮汐海灵:菲兹(Fizz)哨兵之殇:加里奥(Galio) 海洋之灾:普朗克(Gangplank)德玛西亚之力:盖伦(Garen)酒桶:古拉加斯(Gragas)法外狂徒:格雷福斯(Graves)战争之影:赫卡里姆 (Hecarim)大发明家:黑默丁格(Heimerdinger)刀锋意志:伊瑞利亚(Irelia)风暴之怒:迦娜(Janna) 德玛西亚皇子:嘉文四世(JarvanⅣ)武器大师:贾克斯(Jax)未来守护者:杰斯(Jayce)天启者:卡尔玛(Karma)死亡颂唱者:卡尔萨斯(Karthus)虚空行者:卡萨丁(Kassadin)不详之刃:卡特琳娜(Katarina)审判天使:凯尔(Kayle) 狂暴之心:凯南(Kennen)虚空掠夺者:卡’兹克(Khazix)深渊巨口:克格’莫(Kog Maw)诡术妖姬:乐芙兰(LeBlanc)盲僧:李青(Lee sin)曙光女神:蕾欧娜(Leona)仙灵女巫:璐璐(lulu)光辉女郎:拉克丝(Lux) 岩巨兽:墨菲特(Malphite)虚空先知:玛尔扎哈(Malzahar)扭曲树精:茂凯(Maokai)无极剑圣:易(Yi)赏金猎人:厄运**(MissFortune)齐天大圣:孙悟空(Monkey king)金属大师:莫德凯撒(Mordekaiser)堕天使:莫甘娜(Morgana) 唤潮鲛姬:娜美(Nami)沙漠死神:内瑟斯(Nasus)深海泰坦:诺提勒斯(Nautilus)狂野女猎手:奈德丽(Nidalee)永恒梦魇:魔腾(Nocturne)雪人骑士:努努(Nunu)狂战士:奥拉夫(Olaf)发条魔灵:奥莉安娜(Orianna) 战争之王:潘森(Pantheon)钢铁大使:波比(Poopy)披甲龙龟:拉莫斯(Rammus)荒漠屠夫:雷克顿(Renekton)傲之追猎者:雷恩加尔(Rengar)放逐之刃:瑞文(Rivan)机械公敌:兰博(Rumble)流浪法师:瑞兹(Ryze) 凛冬之怒:瑟庄妮:(Sejuani)魔小丑:萨科(Shaco)暮光之眼:慎(Shen)龙血武姬:希瓦娜(Shyvana)炼金术士:辛吉德(Singed)亡灵士:赛恩(Sion)女神:希维尔(Sivir)水晶先锋:斯卡纳(Skarner) 琴瑟仙女:娑娜(Sona)众星之子:索拉卡(Soraka)策士统领:斯维因(Swain)暗黑元首:辛德拉(Syndra)刀锋之影:泰隆(Talon)宝石骑士:塔里克(Taric)迅捷斥候:提莫(Teemo)魂锁典狱长:锤石(Thresh) 麦林炮手:崔丝塔娜(Tristana)诅咒巨魔:特兰德尔(Trundle)蛮族之王:泰达米尔(Tryndamere)卡牌大师:崔斯特(Twisted Fate)瘟疫之源:图奇(Twitch)野兽之灵:乌迪尔(Udyr)首领之傲:厄加特(Urgot)惩戒之箭:韦鲁斯(Varus) 暗夜猎手:薇恩(Vayne)邪恶小法师:维伽(Veigar)皮城执法官:蔚(Vi)机械先驱:维克托(Viktor)

猩红收割者:弗拉基米尔(Vladimir)雷霆咆哮:沃利贝尔(Volibear)嗜血猎手:沃里克(Warwick)远古巫灵:泽拉斯(Xerath) 德邦总管:赵信(XinZhao)掘墓者:约里克(Yorick)影流之主:劫(Zed)爆破鬼才:吉格斯(Ziggs)时光守护者:基兰(Zilean)



Schindler's List is a 1993 American epic historical drama film directed and co-produced by Steven Spielberg and scripted by Steven Zaillian It is based on the novel Schindler's Ark by Thomas Keneally, an Australian novelist The film is based on the life of Oskar Schindler, a German businessman who saved the lives of more than a thousand mostly Polish-Jewish refugees during the Holocaustby employing them in his factories It stars Liam Neeson as Schindler, Ralph Fiennes as Schutzstaffel (SS) officer Amon Goeth, andBen Kingsley as Schindler's Jewish accountant Itzhak Stern

Ideas for a film about the Schindlerjuden (Schindler Jews) were proposed as early as 1963 Poldek Pfefferberg, one of theSchindlerjuden, made it his life's mission to tell the story of Schindler Spielberg became interested in the story when executive Sid Sheinberg sent him a book review of Schindler's Ark Universal Studios bought the rights to the novel, but Spielberg, unsure if he was ready to make a film about the Holocaust, tried to pass the project to several other directors before finally deciding to direct the film himself

Principal photography took place in Kraków, Poland, over the course of 72 days in 1993 Spielberg shot the film in black and white and approached it as a documentary Cinematographer Janusz Kamiński wanted to give the film a sense of timelessness John Williamscomposed the score, and violinist Itzhak Perlman performs the film's main theme

Schindler's List premiered on November 30, 1993, in Washington, DC and it was released on December 15, 1993, in the United States Often listed among the greatest films ever made,[4][5][6] it was also a box office success, earning $3212 million worldwide on a $22 million budget ($359 million in 2014 dollars) It was the recipient of seven Academy Awards (out of twelve nominations), includingBest Picture, Best Director, Best Adapted Screenplay, and Best Original Score, as well as numerous other awards (including sevenBAFTAs and three Golden Globes) In 2007, the American Film Institute ranked the film 8th on its list of the 100 best American films of all time The Library of Congress selected it for preservation in the National Film Registry in 20


In 1939, the Germans move Polish Jews into the Kraków Ghetto as World War II begins Oskar Schindler, an ethnic German, arrives in the city hoping to make his fortune A member of the Nazi Party, Schindler lavishes bribes on Wehrmacht (German armed forces) and SS officials and acquires a factory to produce enamelware To help him run the business, Schindler enlists the aid of Itzhak Stern, a local Jewish official who has contacts with black marketeers and the Jewish business community Stern helps Schindler arrange loans to finance the factory Schindler maintains friendly relations with the Nazis and enjoys wealth and status as "Herr Direktor", and Stern handles administration Schindler hires Jewish workers because they cost less, while Stern ensures that as many people as possible are deemed essential to the German war effort, which saves them from being transported to concentration camps or killed

SS-Untersturmführer (second lieutenant) Amon Goeth arrives in Kraków to oversee construction of Płaszów concentration camp When the camp is completed, he orders the ghetto liquidated Many people are shot and killed in the process of emptying the ghetto Schindler witnesses the massacre and is profoundly affected He particularly notices a tiny girl in a red coat – one of the few splashes of color in the black-and-white film – as she hides from the Nazis When he later sees the red coat on a wagon loaded with bodies being taken away to be burned, he knows the girl is dead Schindler is careful to maintain his friendship with Goeth and, through bribery and lavish gifts, continues to enjoy SS support Goeth brutally mistreats his maid and randomly shoots people from the balcony of his villa, and the prisoners are in constant daily fear for their lives As time passes, Schindler's focus shifts from making money to trying to save as many lives as possible He bribes Goeth into allowing him to build a sub-camp for his workers so that he can better protect them

As the Germans begin to lose the war, Goeth is ordered to ship the remaining Jews at Płaszów to Auschwitz concentration camp Schindler asks Goeth to allow him to move his workers to a new munitions factory he plans to build in his home town of Zwittau-Brinnlitz Goeth agrees, but charges a huge bribe Schindler and Stern create "Schindler's List" – a list of people to be transferred to Brinnlitz and thus saved from transport to Auschwitz

As the train carrying women and children is accidentally redirected to Auschwitz-Birkenau, Schindler bribes the commandant of Auschwitz with a bag of diamonds to win their release At the new factory, Schindler forbids the SS guards to enter the production rooms and encourages the Jews to observe Shabbat (the Jewish Sabbath) To keep his workers alive, he spends much of his fortune bribing Nazi officials and buying shell casings from other companies; his factory does not produce any usable armaments during its seven months of operation Schindler runs out of money in 1945, just as Germany surrenders, ending the war in Europe

As a Nazi Party member and war profiteer, Schindler must flee the advancing Red Army to avoid capture The SS guards have been ordered to kill the Jews, but Schindler persuades them not to so they can return to their families as men, not murderers He bids farewell to his workers and prepares to head west, hoping to surrender to the Americans The workers give Schindler a signed statement attesting to his role saving Jewish lives, together with a ring engraved with a Talmudic quotation: "Whoever saves one life saves the world entire" Schindler is touched but is also deeply ashamed, as he feels he should have done even more As the Schindlerjuden (Schindler Jews) wake up the next morning, a Soviet soldier announces that they have been liberated The Jews leave the factory and walk to a nearby town

After some scenes depicting Goeth's execution and a summary of Schindler's later life events after the war, the black-and-white frame changes to a color shot of actualSchindlerjuden at Schindler's grave in Jerusalem Accompanied by the actors who portrayed them, the Schindlerjuden place stones on the grave In the final scene, Neeson places a pair of roses on the grave

1、第一滴血 firstblood

2、双杀 Double kill

3、三杀 Triple kill 

4、四杀 Quadra kill 

5、五杀 Penta kill 

6、大杀特杀   Killing Spring 

7、无人能挡 Unstoppable

8、主宰比赛 Dominating 

9、如同神一般了 GodLike

10、超神了 Legendary 

11、团灭 Ace

12、你被杀了 You have been slained

13、你方防御塔被摧毁 Your tower has been destoryed



戏命师 烬 (我于杀戮之中盛放,一如黎明中的花朵)

海兽祭祀 俄洛伊 (说教无益,折断的骨头才是更好的课本)

永猎双子 千珏 (执子之魂 与子共生)

河流之王 塔姆 (叫我国王,叫我恶魔,河水会遗忘那些 已经被淹没的名字)

时间刺客 艾克 (时间 不在于你拥有多少 而在于你 怎样使用)

复仇之矛 卡莉斯塔 (所有背叛者都得死)

沙漠皇帝 阿兹尔 (恕瑞玛,你的皇帝回来了)

迷失之牙 纳尔 (纳尔 喳喳)

弗雷尔卓德之心 布隆(我们可以开始了么?啊,全新的开始!)

虚空之眼 维克兹 (知识,来源于分解)

疾风剑豪 亚索 (死亡如风 常伴吾身)

暴走萝莉 金克丝 (规则 就是用来打破的)

圣枪游侠 卢锡安 (人 终有一死 而有些人则需要一点小小的帮助)

暗裔剑魔 亚托克斯 (这场战争将成为我的杰作啊)

冰霜女巫 丽桑卓 所有人都将臣服,只是时机未到 )

生化魔人 扎克 (我?为了战斗而生)

德玛西亚之翼 奎因 (正义 展翅翱翔)

魂锁典狱长 锤石 (我们要怎样进行这令人愉悦的折磨呢?)

皮城执法官 蔚 (先打一拳 打的时候再把问题问遍)

唤潮鲛姬 娜美 (我的命运 由我做主)

影流之主 劫 (无形之刃 最为致命)

蜘蛛女皇 伊莉丝 (蛛网之内 只有蜘蛛才会安然无恙)

虚空掠夺者 卡兹克 (改变 就是好事)

暗黑元首 辛德拉 (我的能量 无穷无尽)

傲之追猎者 雷恩加尔 (今晚 猎个痛快!)

皎月女神 黛安娜 (一轮新月 正在冉冉升起)

荆棘之兴 婕拉 (离花朵越近离荆棘越近 )

未来守护者 杰斯 (为了更美好的明天而战!)

荣耀行刑官 德莱文 (欢迎来到 德莱联盟!)

诺克萨斯之手 德莱厄斯 (只有我才能带领我们走向胜利)

惩戒之箭 韦鲁斯 (罪恶将知道 什么是痛苦)

战争之影 赫卡里姆 (见识一下 暗影岛之力吧)

仙灵女巫 露露 (见到你 很高兴)

无双剑姬 菲奥娜 (我渴望有价值的对手)

深海泰坦 诺提勒斯 (把他们拽过来)

爆破鬼才 吉格斯 (来 战个痛快)

凛冬之怒 瑟庄妮 (凛冬~)

机械先驱 维克托 (加入光荣的进化吧!)

九尾妖狐 阿狸 (我们心有灵犀 不是么?)

雷霆咆哮 沃利贝尔 (雄霸天下)

潮汐海灵 菲兹 (让我吃掉他们)

龙血武姬 希瓦娜(在敌人眼里 我就是恐惧)

法外狂徒 格雷福斯 (我与死亡同行)

远古巫灵 泽拉斯 (我来让你见识一下真正的魔法吧 召唤师)

放逐之刃 锐雯 (断剑重铸之日,骑士归来之时)



标签: 虚空 萨斯 英雄 卡特 卡尔